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PJ /October 30,2021

Is a new era about to start for Newcastle United?


Is a new era about to start for Newcastle  United?

Finally, it seems that Newcastle United is about to undergo some major changes. Reports indicate that they are set for takeover by a consortium-backed Saudi Arabian who plans on pumping £250m into the club and investing heavily in players as well.  

It looks like Newcastle United is in for some major changes. The Saudis have finally taken over Newcastle United. It's been 14 years since Mike Ashley has been at the helm, and fans are not happy with his reign- Alex Hurst from The True  Faith Podcast says "It is without a doubt one of the worst periods in club history for sustained unhappiness".

Mike Ashley's reign was not a good one for the fans of  Newcastle.

Alex Tan said that Mike Ashley's regime "served no one's interests but his own," and in the case of football club  Newcastle United, it was a tumultuous time. He appointed Joe  Kinnear twice as a manager to serve two relegations while  also renaming St James' Park after Sports Direct This  decision sent shivers down fans spines because it meant  many high profile players left such as Rafa Benitez upon  whom Alex says: “anytime there was a good feeling around  this place [Newcastle] you could always feel like something  negative would happen." And sure


"Proud as punch." - Newcastle United fans on the new owner of their team.

The wealth of their potential new owner's dwarves anything and everything else in the Premier League.

Naturally, after years of transfer misery, false dawns, and midtable mediocrity fans are allowing themselves to dream about heady times ahead. However, it seems that bookmakers today slashed odds on Magpie’s chances for signing some biggest names from the footballing world while dreaming with eyes wide open.


The new owners are expected to make funds available for new players and at around £300 million net worth according to  Forbes Magazine, Newcastle fans will be forgiven for dreaming of some headline signings.  For Newcastle's survival to remain a reality, they need reinforcements. With the help of an ownership group that will comfortably become the top flight’s richest and most profitable club in Europe - it is hoped some deals can still be done during this transfer window for January acquisitions or before then with summer targets if time permits.
